Harvard researchers conclude "hot hand" phenomenon does exist in sports

Harvard researchers Andrew Bocskocsky, John Ezekowitz and Carolyn Stein have concluded while studying basketball players and their shots, that streaking shooters do have a higher probability of making the next shot they take.

At the MIT Sloan Sports Conference, the Harvard researches presented their findings that when taking into consideration shot selection, there is a small 1.2% to 2.4% greater chance that the player "on fire" will make the next shot.

The previous understanding was that there was not a "hot hand" advantage as studies have shown that there was not an increase in the percentage of field goals made for "hot hand" players. Those studies though did not take in consideration that "hot hand" players tend to try more difficult shots. Those more difficult shots then evens out the advantage gained when the player had the "hot hand" , according to the new study.

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