Fantasy football game providers promoting their 2013 winners
As the fantasy football season comes to an end, a number of fantasy football game providers are promoting their winners for the first place prizes.
For example, DraftStreet is awarding their $1 Million first prize to Larry Seigle of Newton, Pennsylvania. FanDuel awarded their grand prize of $1 Million to Travis Spieth of South Dakota. Their is also news from other game providers. In this case, the daily fantasy football game providers are making promotions for their winners.
FtSb says: Tonight, there is a Mega Millions jackpot worth $636 million dollar prize. That prize will also be awarded to some lucky individual or individuals. It is interesting to note that the game providers should not tout their prize winner just like a lottery contest. There is a legal question that if fantasy football doesn't require skill than that really puts fantasy football in the gambling category. The game provider award announcement should highlight competition and winners to be able to place fantasy sports as an event that does require skill and not an event that's outcome is based more on luck.